Health Equity vs. Equality: Creating a Healthy Future in West Lakes

Welcome to our series on Health Equity – the idea that every person should have a fair chance to be as healthy as possible. If you’re new to this series, we recommend clicking here to view the introduction.

Health is not just about the absence of illness. It's about the opportunity for every individual to thrive and achieve their best possible wellbeing.

Every person’s health has value, and every person is a little different. That’s why making sure everyone has a chance to be healthy cannot be a one-size-fits-all approach. Sometimes, it means giving different or extra resources to some people, especially if past policies or treatments have caused imbalances.

Today, we'll dive into the difference between health equity - which ensures everyone has a fair and just chance to be healthy, and health equality - which focuses on making sure everyone has the same access to the same health and wellbeing resources.

Let’s explore these ideas and how they have influenced Lift Orlando’s work in The Communities of West Lakes.

Understanding the Difference: Health Equity vs. Equality

Equality and equity are often used interchangeably, but they represent distinct approaches to creating just opportunities to be as healthy as possible.

Equality aims to provide everyone with the same resources and opportunities, regardless of their circumstances. While this may seem fair on the surface, it overlooks the fact that people have different needs and challenges.

Equity acknowledges these differences. Resources and opportunities are allocated based on individual circumstances. Differentiating the two ensures everyone has an equal chance to thrive.

Let's consider a visit to a general health clinic to illustrate this idea. If an adult and a child who live in West Lakes receive the same medical procedure, it would be equal but not equitable. Both have the same, equal access to a procedure, but this is not according to their needs. Their bodies and health requirements are very different!

In general, pursuing equality is valuable and very helpful when we talk about how to give everyone a full chance to be healthy. Health equity acknowledges this idea and also includes the knowledge that sometimes people need different services or care to have the same overall chance of thriving.

Health Equity and Equality in West Lakes

For many years, healthcare access for West Lakes residents was neither equal nor equitable. Lift Orlando received alarming data in 2016 that showed very few healthcare access points in the 32805 ZIP Code, where The Communities of West Lakes are located.

The study showed that only 12 healthcare access points existed in 32805 when the nearby 32789 ZIP Code, which is a community of roughly the same population, had 112 healthcare access points. This data showed that the chance to be healthy wasn't fair and wasn't equal.

An Initiative to Make Healthcare Access More Equal and Equitable

After receiving this data, West Lakes residents and Lift Orlando decided that the first step to improving health outcomes would be to restore access to health and wellbeing services. The idea for the Heart of West Lakes Wellness Center was soon born!

The 30,000-square-foot health and wellness center offers gathering space, financial planning services, healthcare, a local café, and more. It’s a place where residents can connect, learn, and thrive in one convenient location. This healthcare access point is designed to level the playing field. The Heart offers fair healthcare opportunities in the way every resident needs.

Health Equity Can Run on Great Partnerships

Initiatives that make healthcare outcomes more equal and equitable need great partners. At the Heart, two of our key tenant partners are Florida Blue and Community Health Centers. These partners are committed to making sure people get a fair chance to be as healthy as can be — no matter the age, background, or circumstances of the person walking in.

As Pat Geraghty, president and CEO of GuideWell Mutual Holding Corporation and Florida Blue, emphasizes, "Health is way beyond the distribution of care when someone is unwell. It’s about ensuring that people can thrive."

At the Heart, Florida Blue provides free fitness, wellness, and nutrition classes. Additionally, the Center's experts assist residents in exploring health plan options that align with their budgets and protect their families from unexpected medical expenses. They launched a focus group in partnership with Lift Orlando to receive feedback on how to offer more culturally relevant healthcare. In this way, Florida Blue is working with different groups in specific, sensitive ways to address issues that impact their health. This is health equity at its best! Their efforts ensure that healthcare is not only accessible but also relatable and effective.

Dr. Debra Andree, MD, highlighted the importance of this tailored approach in an interview with Lift Orlando. As the president and CEO of the Heart’s anchor tenant, Community Health Centers, Inc. (CHC), she emphasized the importance of personalized care.

"Our strength is in our constant focus on being a community partner that cares for the whole person," she said. CHC’s 8,000-square-foot space within The Heart is a testament to this commitment, offering a wide range of services that cater to the diverse needs of the community.

There’s a Place for You at the Heart

Part of building health equity means making sure every person, including you, can find what they need to be as healthy as possible! This means there’s a place for you at the Heart, too.

Let’s move toward a healthier Orlando, one that starts with making sure every resident has a chance to thrive. Come explore the Heart and its first-class amenities, including event spaces and Legacy Café, and other event spaces. Most importantly, you can connect with the people who make The Communities of West Lakes thrive: residents.

We encourage you to come and experience a new, innovative take on community health that ensures everyone has a full and fair chance to be as healthy as possible. There’s a place for you at the Heart.

710 S. Tampa Avenue Orlando, FL 32810

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