Investing in Education: The Foundation for Strong Neighborhoods


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The Communities of West Lakes is celebrating an exciting accomplishment: Orange Center Elementary’s media center, TV studio, and STEM classrooms transformation! While this is an incredible opportunity for Orange Center Elementary students, it’s important to remember our hope for The Communities of West Lakes. Our cradle-to-career educational pathway strengthens neighborhoods—and we hope at Lift Orlando to pursue this continually. We want to take a moment to dive into why investing in early learning / cradle-to-career education is essential to strengthening neighborhoods so people can thrive.

Education is a Bedrock for a Prosperous Future

If we want to see people thrive, education must remain a core focus. Studies show that Americans with more education live longer, healthier lives than those with fewer years of schooling. We want to see West Lakes and 32805 ZIP Code residents experience lasting, holistic wellbeing, and education is one way we can do just that.

Equipping residents for academic success has to start early. Research shows, over and over, that a foundation for education begins in the early years. One study found that “literacy achievement in the early school years appears rooted in early childhood experiences with activities such as storybook reading, having books available in the home, and engaging in literary activities with older family members.” Projects like ensuring that students have access to a first-class media center is a huge step in supporting that academic foundation.

Economic Development is tied to Child Development

An investment in children and schools is an investment in a stronger, more prosperous future. Education boosts economic viability by positioning people for higher earnings and better jobs. The effects of education are multifaceted and long-lasting. A study showed that students randomly assigned to a higher-quality classroom in early elementary school had higher lifetime earnings, were more likely to attend college, and even saved more for retirement! When we invest in our children, we invest in the future of our neighborhoods.

These are just a few of the reasons that focusing on ensuring West Lakes’ youth have access to cradle-to-career education has been a pillar of Lift Orlando’s work for a decade. We partner with local schools to build high-performing educational pathways that begin with early childhood and go all the way to promising careers.

Lift Orlando’s Director of Education Lynn Thompson says, “Through our collaboration with early learning providers and schools in the West Lakes footprint, Lift Orlando is building an early learning network that sets the stage for our students to excel academically. By supporting teachers, administrators and ensuring inclusive learning opportunities for all, we are laying a solid foundation for our students to prosper and thrive academically. Together, we are committed to creating an environment where every student can succeed and reach their full potential.”

Lift Orlando is Proud to Partner with West Lakes Educators

Building and fortifying those pathways takes partners and a holistic approach!

Educators play the single most pivotal role. For years, Lift Orlando has had the distinct honor of partnering with Orange Center Elementary as they focus on academic excellence. This media center refresh is just one of the many thoughtful and innovative initiatives they’ve put into place over the years. Their success has been inspirational!

An Orange Center Elementary educator once said, “The classroom is only part of a child’s foundation, so bringing parents along the journey is critical.” Partnership between parents and educators is crucial, but the wider community and environment in which a child grows up makes a huge difference!

This is one of the reasons we have partnered with schools like Orange Center Elementary with strides in mixed-income housing and creating spaces that keep the learning going after school hours. The Jacqueline Bradley & Clarence Otis Family Branch Boys & Girls Club come alongside parents to ensure their children receive after-school care, including access to STEM and music labs. This flexibility allows parents to know their children are cared for, and they can remain fully invested in their children’s education.

Education: Building a Stronger and Brighter Future for West Lakes Communities

Education is the cornerstone to a stronger and brighter West Lakes communities future. We take pride in our role in ensuring that every student grows up with hope and returns with joy. The transformation at Orange Center Elementary and the inspiring journeys we've witnessed underlines the transformative power of education. We are thankful that we are part of a journey toward enrichment that fortifies the West Lakes neighborhoods through our place-based approach, one step at a time.